Audi A9: l'ammiraglia si fa sportiva

Occorrerà attendere ancora qualche anno, ma nel 2015 dovrebbe finalmente arrivare la futura Audi A9, vettura di segmento premium che dovrebbe collocarsi al di sopra dell'ammiraglia A8. Pochissime le notizie trapelate al momento dal quartier generale di Ingolstadt. Non è dato infatti sapere se si tratterà di una coupé 4 porte, classica 2 porte o persino un modello convertibile.
Quello che però appare chiaro è che la futura Audi A9 andrà a confrontarsi direttamente con vetture del calibro di Aston Martin Rapide (e qui si propende per una coupé 4 porte) e Mercedes CL, (coupé tradizionale).
Come da copione in casa Audi grande spazio alle tecnologie più avanzate con l'impiego di materiali ultraleggeri per scocca e carrozzeria, già visti sulle sorelle A8 e R8. L'impianto produttivo del resto sarebbe il centro tecnologico di Neckarsulm da cui dovrebbe uscire nel 2015 per la commercializzazione definitiva.
Grande incognita anche per quanto riguarda i motori. Le ipotesi più probabili, al momento, sarebbero un V6 da 3 litri sovralimentato da oltre 200 cavalli come primo step, affiancato da un'unità decisamente più spinta e assetata: un V8 biturbo da 4 litri in grado di erogare ben 520 cavalli di potenza (progettato in collaborazione con Bentley). Unica cosa certa è che la nuova Audi A9 adotterà certamente la trazione integrale Quattro.

Mercedes SLS AMG Roadster: la Gullwing in topless

Dopo averla spiata durante i test effettuati in Europa ed America, finalmente possiamo ammirare in un ampia galleria fotografica, tutta la bellezza della nuova Mercedes SLS AMG Roadster, ultimo capolavoro  della divisione sportiva  Mercedes-AMG, affascinante evoluzione convertibile della SLS AMG "ali di gabbiano" ed erede spirituale della mitica Mercedes 300SL Roadster del 1957.

Perde la "ali" ma guadagna la capote

Rispetto alla versione coupé da cui deriva, l'ultima creazione dell'atelier di Affalterbach perde le portiere ad "ali di gabbiano", ma guadagna una classica, ma tecnologica capote in tela a tre strati, dotata di un sistema di apertura elettroidraulico realizzato usando componenti in acciaio, alluminio e magnesio. La capote può essere azionata tramite un apposito comando posizionato nella consolle centrale che permette di "scoprire" la SLS Roadster in soli 11 secondi, fino ad una velocità massima di 50 km/h. Inoltre è equipaggiata con un moderno lunotto in vetro in grado di minimizzare i rumori esterni e dotato di un dispositivo che elimina il ristagnamento dell'acqua piovana. Sia in configurazione aperta che chiusa, il bagagliaio posteriore di questa Roadster non subisce variazioni di capacità di carico: questa è di 173 litri in entrambe le configurazioni.

Erede della 300 SL Roadster

Esteticamente la nuova SLS Roadster eredita le proporzioni perfette della declinazione coupé da cui deriva: il lungo cofano anteriore che si contrappone alla coda corta e muscolosa caratterizzata dall'alettone retrattile che fuoriesce a 120 km/h e dal doppio scarico dalla forma quadrangolare. Le fiancate regalano alla vista un senso di potenza grazie ai passaruota di generose dimensioni che ospitano gli enormi pneumatici da 265/35 ZR 19 per l'anteriore e 295/30 ZR 20 per il posteriore. Inoltre il design pulito e moderno si sposa con i numerosi richiami retrò come la grande griglia anteriore che incorpora la stella a tre punte, oppure le due nervature sul cofano, o ancora le generose prese d'aria sulle fiancate. Al contrario, gli interni  ricalcano in modo fedele il moderno cockpit di ispirazione aeronautica che avevamo potuto ammirare sulla versione chiusa della SLS, caratterizzata dall'eleganza e dalla sportività delle linee e dei nobili materiali usati come i rivestimenti in pelle e l'uso massiccio di fibra di carbonio su consolle centrale e rivestimenti delle portiere.

Migliora l'handling e lo scatto

Di solito quando si realizza una versione scoperta realizzata sulla base di una coupé, le doti velocistiche e dinamiche vengono penalizzate dall'aggravio di peso dovuto alle modifiche strutturali per l'ottenimento di una maggiore rigidità torsionale. La SLS Roadster, invece, dichiara un aumento di peso rispetto alla versione coupé di soli 40 chili, per un totale di 1.661, ottenuti utilizzando materiali ad alta resistenza e ad un uso massiccio di alluminio per il telaio che ha visto aumentare il proprio peso di soli 2 chili, passando da 241 a 243 chili, senza perdere la minima rigidità torsionale, anzi aumentandola sensibilmente.
Sotto il cofano trova posto il potente V8 aspirato da quasi 6.3 litri preparato dalla AMG in grado di sprigionare 571 CV a 6800 giri e una coppia massima di 650 Nm a 4750 giri. Secondo i dati dichiarati dal costruttore tedesco, rispetto alla versione coupé, la SLS Roasdster migliora lo scatto da 0 a 100 km/h di un decimo, passando da 3,8 a 3,7 secondi, mentre la velocità massima rimane limitata elettronicamente a 317 km/h. Anche i consumi nel ciclo combinato rimangono invariati rispetto al valore di 13,2 litri ogni 100 km percorsi, mentre le emissioni di CO2 scendono da 314 g/km a 308 g/km di CO2 emessi nell'aria.
La guida sportiva viebne esaltata anche dal cambio doppia frizione  dotato di 7 rapporti DCT che denuncia tempi di cambiata velocissimi nell'ordine di 100 millisecondi, oltre a disporre di 4 diversi settaggi: "C", "S", "S+" ed "M", a cui si aggiunge la funzione RACE START , dedicato alle partenza fulminee.

Lusso ed esclusività Mercedes

L'esclusività della vettura è ovviamente sottolineata da una generosa dotazione di serie che comprende tra le altre cose i sedili sportivi rivestiti in pelle realizzati dall'AMG che incorporano nei poggiatesta fissi il dispositivo Airscarf che consente tramite l'emissione di flussi di aria calda all'altezza del collo una guida a cielo aperto anche durante i mesi più rigidi. In opzione si può anche richiedere il sofisticato impianto ad alta fedeltà della Bang & Olufsen  e l'AMG Performance Media system.
La Mercedes SLS AMG Roadster debutterà ufficialmente in occasione del prossimo Salone di Francoforte 2011, mentre la commercializzazione è stata fissata in autunno ad un prezzo relativo al mercato tedesco di 195.160 euro.

Bmw: tutte le novità che vedremo a Francoforte

Se al Salone di Shanghai l'abbiamo vista in anteprima, la nuova Bmw M5 farà il suo debutto in versione definitiva a casa propria, cioè al prossimo Salone Internazionale dell'Auto che si terrà a Francoforte dal 15 al 25 settembre prossimo. Lì finalmente vedremo la berlinona in versione sportiva sotto forma definitiva e dotata del propulsore V8 da 555 cavalli in grado di rivaleggiare con la diretta concorrenza di Mercedes E63 AMG e Audi RS6.
Al salone tedesco tuttavia la nuova M5 non sarà l'unica regina dello stand Bmw visto che farà bella mostra di sé anche la sorella minore M3 GTS anch'essa dotata di un'unità a 8 cilindri ma dalla potenza leggermente inferiore di 440 cavalli, ed equipaggiata da una trasmissione a 7 rapporti con doppia frizione, impianto frenante maggiorato e sospensioni più rigide per migliorare l'assetto.
Alla M5 ed M3 GTS si affiancherà anche la Serie 6 coupé vista a Shanghai e che in questa nuova versione è cresciuta nel passo e nella larghezza, dotandosi di un ben 407 cavalli e 600 Nm di coppia massima (prezzo anticipato di 85.700 euro).
Spazio anche per la nuova Serie 1 che sfruttando componenti della sorella maggiore Serie 3 arriverà sul mercato in versione 3 e 5 porte, distinguendosi anche per un nuovo frontale e gruppi ottici. Novità anche sotto al cofano: l'attuale propulsore 6 cilindri sarà infatti rimpiazzato da un 4 cilindri 2 litri sovralimentato e in grado di generare una potenza simili all'unità precedente intorno ai 300 cavalli.
Ultima chicca per non rimanere indietro nello sviluppo tecnologico, ormai orientato verso veicoli sempre più puliti ed eco-compatibili, sarà la nuova i3, vettura alimentata da un motore elettrico da 100 Kw con un'autonomia stimata di circa 160 km e che dovrebbe arrivare sul mercato a partire dal 2013.

Volkswagen Power Days: grande successo a Misano

Dopo Vallelunga, le sportive di casa Volkswagen sono approdate a Misano Adriatico per offrire agli appassionati due giornate ad alto tasso di adrenalina. Non capita tutti i giorni di provare in pista una o più vetture per scoprire cosa offrono sul piano dinamico, per questo Volkswagen ha dato vita ai Power Days, dove si può vivere in tutta sicurezza l'emozione della guida sportiva. Abbiamo preso parte all'evento nelle giornate del 28 e 29 maggio, nella pista in cui fa tappa il Moto GP, mescolandoci ad ai comuni automobilisti giunti in autodromo.
Tutto è stato organizzato per offrire un'esperienza sportiva a 360°, sul piazzale antistante in circuito sono state delineate due aree dedicate agli esercizi di agilità, mentre il piatto forte è rappresentato dalla possibilità di girare in pista affiancati da un pilota professionista.
Si comincia con un paio di passaggi a tutto gas in un tracciato ricavato con i birilli e delle barriere artificiali a fianco a dei piloti professionisti che guidano le pepate Polo GTI. Accelerazioni brucianti, sbandate e controsterzi, tra il rumore delle gomme che stridono sull'asfalto e l'espressione di meraviglia dei visitatori, la fila per provare l'effetto della sbandata controllata diventa sempre più corposa.
Poi ci spostiamo nell'area dedicata allo skid pad, dove un istruttore professionista spiega ai numerosi allievi giunti a Misano come gestire l'auto in controsterzo durante uno slalom improvvisato con dei birilli colorati. Saliti a bordo di una Golf TDI, rialzata nelle ruote posteriori con l'ausilio di un carrellino, rimaniamo sempre in prima marcia e affrontiamo lo slalom con sterzo ed acceleratore. L'auto si alleggerisce nella parte posteriore appena si sfiora l'acceleratore e bisogna essere veloci con il volante per recuperare la traiettoria, l'esercizio non è semplice ma è molto formativo e, soprattutto, è utile per capire quanto può essere complicato gestire un'auto nelle situazioni d'emergenza...
Ma il piatto forte, inutile dirlo è la pista, dove gli appassionati che hanno riempito i moduli di prenotazione nei concessionari Volkswagen o si sono accreditati su internet, possono scoprire cosa vuol dire guidare in pista una delle sportive della Casa tedesca. Loro erano lì, sulla pit lane, pronte per scatenarsi in pista. Le varie Golf GTD, GTI ed R, la cattivissima Scirocco R, la Passat spinta dal V6 con 300 CV e la piccante Polo GTI non attendevano altro che un giro di chiave o la pressione del pulsante d'avviamento per iniziare a generare emozioni.
Alla guida per un giro indimenticabile e a fianco di un pilota esperto, insieme agli estimatori delle sportive Volkswagen abbiamo toccato con mano le potenzialità di questi modelli uniti dallo spirito sportivo ma diversi nel carattere. Fortunatamente, chi non è riuscito a prendere parte ai primi 2 appuntamenti di Vallelunga e Misano, può iscriversi per prenotare una giornata a ruote fumanti nelle ultime tappe in programma il 18 e 19 giugno sul circuito di Monza e il 24 e 25 settembre sul tracciato di Sarno.

Volvo angajeaza 600 de oameni, in toate fabricile

Producatorul suedez de masini Volvo, cumparat anul trecut de chinezii de la Geely, vrea sa-si majoreze capacitatea de productie si sa faca angajari, anticipand o cerere in crestere pentru modele XC60, V60 si S60. In total este vorba despre 600 de noi locuri de munca in toate cele cinci fabrici pe care compania le detine in Europa.
Volvo va recruta 600 de persoane pentru fabricile suedeze din Gothenburg, Olofstrom, Skovde si Floby, precum si in Ghent, Belgia.
“Nu avem masini pe stoc, modelele Volvo XC60, V60 si S60. Trebuie sa investim pentru a sustine cererea in crestere”, a decalrat Stefan Jacoby, presedinte si director general executiv (CEO) al Volvo Car Corporation.
Volvo Cars Body Components din Olofstrom are nevoie de inca 200 de angajati, iar fabrica din Torslanda, Gothenburg, trebuie sa isi mareasa productia de la 52 de masini pe ora la 57, fiind necesari inca 250 de angajati.
Unitatile de productie Volvo Cars Engines din Skovde si Floby isi vor mari capacitatea de productie, avand nevoie de inca 75 de angajati.
In Belgia, la Ghent, Volvo va mai angaja 100 de persoane pentru a mari productia modelului XC60.
In urma cu doua luni Volvo a anuntat decizia de a recruta pana la 1.000 de persoane in Suedia, in special ingineri pentru cercetare si dezvoltare. Aceasta recrutare este in curs de desfasurare si este separata de recrutarea celor 600 de oameni pentru uzine.

Nissan 370Z GT Edition tailored for European market

Nissan has given its 370Z Coupe a makeover for the European market. Citing the higher average speeds offered in Europe - most notably Germany - and the wide variety of road surfaces that range from super smooth to badly pitted as reasons for the changes, the new 370Z GT Edition sports revised chassis settings and suspension modifications that are designed to improve the handling and ride comfort of the sixth-generation of Nissan's Z-car line.

Nissan says the fine-tuning of the 370Z's Front-Midship (FM) rear drive chassis centers on the dampers that have been recalibrated to enhance ride comfort and high-speed handling. With the aim of improving body and wheel control on undulating country roads, the rebound and compression rations of the GT Edition's front and rear dampers have been revised to enhance the wheel's vertical movement at mid and high speeds.
Nissan says this results in improved wheel control that is reflected in a flatter ride on all surfaces, while reducing "bobbing" at higher speeds on the freeway. Additionally, thanks to a stiffer chassis that provides better "bump thump" absorption, Nissan says the increase in damping force hasn't led to a degradation in comfort.
Other changes see the addition of a rear-view parking camera as part of the Nissan Premium Connect satellite navigation option and the standard fitment of a tire pressure monitoring system. The seven-speed automatic option now includes a snow mode, which sets the vehicle off in second gear and controls engine revs to prevent spin on ice and snow.
The GT Edition sports the same 3.7-liter V6 engine delivering 328 ps (323 hp) and 363 Nm of torque found in the original 370Z. The engine is coupled to a short throw six-speed sports manual gearbox or a seven-speed paddle shift automatic.
The Nissan 370Z GT Edition is available in metallic black, pearl white and a GT Edition exclusive Black Rose, with grey "GT" stripes running along the flanks of the car. The vehicle's 19 inch RAYS forged alloy wheel are finished in an anthracite color.
But the really good news for European buyers is that Nissan is selling the GT Edition for less than the standard Coupe, with prices starting at GBP35,000 (approx. US$57,700) when it becomes available from select Nissan dealers in the U.K. on June 1.

Lighter, More Efficient Chevrolet Tahoe and Suburban Coming in 2013

General Motors announced last week that it will will invest $331 million in its Arlington Assembly Plant to purchase tooling and equipment needed to ready the lines for the production of the future generation SUVs. The new vehicles from Chevrolet, GMC and Cadillac will go into production in 2013 as 2014 models.

According to the Inside Line, the reinvented Chevrolet Tahoe and Suburban, plus their sister models, the GMC Yukon and Cadillac Escalade are expected to be considerably lighter, with smaller, more efficient engines.

The automotive giant promises to do this without compromising the functionality that customers have come to expect from full-sized SUV, so we expect to see new, more efficient turbocharged diesel engines being introduced. It’s great that they will be lighter and will burn more fuel, but torque diesels will be essential in order to keep towing and load bearing capacity the wait it is. Seven or eight-speed gearboxes could also play a part.

This is the first major overhaul of the Arlington operations since 2001. The investment is part of the huge expansion program GM engaged in soon after it filed for bankruptcy in 2009, which also includes plants in Detroit, Flint, Toledo and Bowling Green. A total of $2 billion have been promised this year alone for the upgrading of no less than 17 US facilities.

“This investment will allow us to continue building award-winning full-size SUVs that offer better fuel efficiency than ever before without sacrificing the features and functionality they’ve come to expect,” GM Manufacturing Manager Larry Zahner said Thursday. “We remain committed to providing customers the utility and capability of our world-class full-size SUVs.” 

GM Reportedly Cancels Luxury Hybrid

General Motors Co has canceled plans to develop a plug-in hybrid vehicle based on the current Cadillac SRX crossover platform, deciding the project was not financially viable, three people with direct knowledge of the project said.
While two of the sources said the plans could still be revived on a future platform, they and two others familiar with the matter said engineers involved had been reassigned to other projects.
The Cadillac plug-in shared much of the same technology that GM developed for its battery-powered Chevrolet Volt, which has been the centerpiece of the automaker's effort to convince consumers of its turnaround after its bankruptcy and government bailout in 2009.
Reuters spoke with six people about the GM decision. They could not be named because the project was never made public by the company. GM officials declined to discuss the company's plans.
"I'm not going to comment on specific products or timing for applications, but we still see promise in the technology," GM spokesman Kevin Kelly said.
Reuters reported in December that GM was working on the Cadillac hybrid crossover, citing people with direct knowledge of the work. In January, GM Chief Executive Dan Akerson said the introduction of the plug-in hybrid was "likely."
But over the past two to three weeks, engineers and others working on the program were told the program was on hold. As recently as this week, GM sent participants cancellation e-mails and thank-you notes, two sources said.
Since becoming CEO in September, Akerson has driven GM more aggressively toward electric vehicles, a strategic area where he has left a mark, executives have said.
The push has centered on rolling out the plug-in hybrid technology GM developed for the Volt in a broader range of vehicles to recoup the company's investment more quickly.
GM's push into electric vehicles also is aimed at seizing the green mantle Toyota Motor Corp earned with the roll-out of its popular Prius hybrid vehicle. In the United States alone last year, Toyota sold almost 141,000 Prius hybrids. GM recently boosted its 2012 production plans for the Volt by a third to 60,000 vehicles.
The Cadillac plug-in was drawn from an abandoned project to launch a rechargeable crossover vehicle that GM considered in 2008 and 2009 under the Buick and since-scrapped Saturn brands, three people familiar with the project said.
GM had developed prototypes of the luxury hybrid that were being tested on the company's proving grounds, three sources said.
The plug-in would have been based on the current SRX platform, which is two years old. In the auto industry, the life cycle of a platform, which dictates the size and body construction of a vehicle, is typically about five years.
By the time the Cadillac plug-in was ready for production, the platform would have been nearing the end of its life, adding to the costs of developing the vehicle, two sources said.
The costs of the program were already high, and the vehicle was expected to lose money, two people with direct knowledge of the program said.
GM has made engineering advances since the program was initiated, so it made more sense to focus on the next platform with the improved, more cost-efficient technologies, one source said.
"If you're this far along on a program and you find a better mousetrap through engineering, should you continue on with something that may not be the most benefit for the customer or should you maybe shift your thinking?" the source, who has direct knowledge of the program, told Reuters.
Three people familiar with the plan said parts shortages after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan also plagued the program, but played only a minor role in GM's decision to cancel it.
The earthquake, which triggered disruptions in the flow of key electronics to automakers worldwide, caused a shortage of microprocessors used in the luxury hybrid's internal battery charger, two of the sources said.
But two other people insisted the parts shortages played no role in GM's decision.
GM has said that "extended-range electric vehicle technology" will be more popular with consumers than pure electric vehicles because of the additional range provided by the traditional internal combustion engine.
The Volt has a 400-pound lithium-ion battery to provide an electric-only range of 25 to 50 miles. After the battery is depleted, a 1.4-liter gasoline engine can power the car for nearly another 350 miles.

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BMW M3 E46 CSL- The Best Performance Car BMW Has Ever Built?

Could the E46 M3 CSL be the best car to come out of BMW M division? And can BMW build another one just as good?
CSL stands for “Coupe Sport Lightweight”, a moniker first given to the legendary race winning BMW 3.0 CSL. First appearing in 1972, the 3.0CSL homologation special model was very successful in racing, especially in the European Touring Car Championship and the Deutsche Rennsport Meisterschaft, thus securing BMW’s position amongst motorsport giants.
The first BMW M3 CSL appeared in 2003 and wowed enthusiasts all around the world with its use of racing technologies applied to a street car. Among these technologies was a modified version of the usual 3,246-cc S54 inline-six that lacks a conventional mass airflow meter. Instead, intake air is calculated directly by the DME, making for a much quicker engine response. Further changes include modified camshafts and exhaust valves, plus a lightweight exhaust system constructed of thinner steel. The CSL-spec engine is rated at 360 hp at 7,900 rpm and 273 lb-ft of torque at 4,300 rpm.
The E46 M3 CSL is most notably distinguished from the standard E46 M3 by its various lightweight components. The signature differentiation is the Carbon Fiber reinforced roof panel (GFP) which weighs 13 pounds less than the conventional roof. The front bumper support is also constructed of GFP, as well as the unique “Single Air inlet” front bumper. At the rear, the lower rear valance is made of GFP, while the reshaped trunk lid is made of SMC (sheet molding compound). Fiberglass-reinforced plastic is used for the rear bumper supports and this material is also “sandwiched” with thermoplastics and foam to create the trunk floor and rear bulkhead. As a final weight-saving measure, the rear window glass is extra thin. BMW claimed that the M3 CSL weighed 3,054 pounds, or roughly 10 percent less than the normal model.
The M3 CSL is equipped exclusively with the SMG II transmission featuring a special launch control mode that automatically shifts at the optimum point for maximum acceleration. This is mated to the standard E46 M3 final drive and M locking differential. Also, the DSC system of the M3 CSL can be switched to an exclusive M Track Mode via the steering wheel-mounted button. This raises the threshold at which the system intervenes to allow for some degree of sideways fun.
The suspension of the M3 CSL is based on that of the standard E46 M3. However, it does incorporate a number of changes: shorter stiffer springs and shocks with different rates (for both rebound and compression), plus larger anti-roll bars in the front (30.8 mm) and rear (22.5 mm). In addition, the normal aluminum front control arms (shared with the standard E46 M3) are joined by aluminum rear suspension links with stiffer ball bushings. Rounding out the chassis upgrades is a quicker ratio steering rack (overall ratio: 14.5:1) and larger 13.7-inch cross-drilled front brake rotors. Finally, the M3 CSL rides on lightweight cross-spoke alloy wheels measuring 8.5×19-inches in front (0.5 inches wider than the normal M3) and 9.5×19-inches in the rear. These are shod with special Michelin Pilot Sport Cup tires sized 235/35ZR19 (front) and 265/30ZR19 (rear).
Conventional tires mounted to the 19-inch forged M Double Spoke II wheels from the standard E46 M3 were also offered as a no-cost alternative.
Serving the lightweight purpose of the M3 CSL, the interior could be specified without climate control or a radio. However, both were made available at no additional cost.
A total of 1,358 CSLs were produced for European track junkies between June and December of 2003, in both left-hand drive (823 built) and right-hand drive (535 built).
With more and more BMW vehicles “gaining weight” as new generations come to market, could BMW M build another street car like the iconic M3 CSL? Well, at a smaller and exclusive scale, they recently have built an unique M3. The new E92 M3 GTS is a spiritual successor to the E46 M3 CSL.
Although the M3 GTS is slightly quicker in a straight line than the E46 CSL, the lap times around the Nurburgring are surprisingly close. According to, the 450 hp GTS is faster than the 360 hp CSL by a mere 2 seconds. 7:50 vs 7:48.
What the E46 M3 CSL lacks in horsepower over the M3 GTS, it makes up for in sheer driving feel and balance. Some consider the E46 chassis to have been the best BMW has ever built, making the CSL one of the best performance BMW ever.
Let’s round up some other opinions from BMWBLOG team members:
Andrew Murphy – Editor

It’s BMW at its best.
The M3 CSL is just an honest, straightforward performance BMW. The CSL managed to combine many of the most identifiable traits of a BMW of the period into a single package. Naturally aspirated 3.2L inline-6, light weight materials, and hardcore near-slick tires wrapped around 19 inch wheels. The M3 CSL managed to deliver more performance than the standard E46 M3 at a still-reasonable price point.
The result of Garching’s hard work? A car that is worth much more than the sum of its parts. The CSL was the remind of BMW’s original roots – a sports sedan that car usher you around in style or a competent, wonderfully balanced track monster.
Misha Nikolich - Contributor
To me, the E46 CSL is the epitome of BMW M engineering and driving dynamics. It combines the roots of M’s early sports coupes like the E30 M3 with modern technology and lightweight materials. Result – a precise, no frills, pure motorsports inspired machine that touched the soul of those gearheads who crave pure driving nirvana.

BMW 3-Series sedan to end production in Oct. 2011, next-gen model due spring 2012

BMW has confirmed that it will end production of the current 3-Series sedan in October 2011. The BMW 335d diesel in the United States, will end production just before that in August.
Why? Well, BMW is preparing for the launch of the next-generation 3-Series sedan, which is scheduled to go on sale in spring 2012.
The next-generation BMW 3-Series will be built on a new modular platform. It will carry over the proportions and overall size but will get a major redesign. What kind of redesign? Just take a look at the new 2011 BMW 5-Series. While it won’t look exactly like that it will carry the same aggressiveness and distinct lines.

The interior is also expected to be updated.
- By: Omar Rana

Audi A3 TCNG to Run on E-gas; Production Starts in 2013

If everything goes right, year 2013 will mark Audi’s production of an eco-friendly vehicle christened A3 TCNG. The vehicle will be part of company’s recurring efforts to neutralize the CO2 balance across the entire mobility chain. Holding aloft the motto “Audi Balanced Mobility” Audi has begun a comprehensive initiative on sustainable and CO2-neutral power generation and mobility.

A3 TCNG will be fuelled by E-gas, defined as synthetic gas produced via the methanation of hydrogen produced by electrolysis from renewable sources of energy. As Audi describes it, A3 TCNG refuels with E-gas.
E-gas has an octane rating of around 130 RON that allows Audi to use an elevated compression ratio in the A3 TCNG’s turbocharged engine, which – in turn – returns optimal fuel efficiency. The A3 TCNG will also be equipped with bivalent configuration,  thereby enabling it to run on conventional gasoline in demanding times, without any compromise on all-round performance.
The A3 TCNG is part of Audi’s E-gas project, which was launched recently by the automaker in North German city of Hamburg. The E-gas project, after 3 years of extensive research, has attained its practical phase. It uses wind-generated electricity to extract hydrogen by means of electrolysis, which in turn, has the potential to be used as a source of energy for fuel-cell vehicles or converted to methane.
The German automaker hopes that the e-gas project will provide a solution to store the surplus wind energy from turbines and thus promoting charging of vehicle with the ‘green power.’

BMW To Debut Four New Models At Frankfurt Auto Show

BMW is giving its home turf a big, heaping pile of BMW-osity. The carmaker plans to debut no less than four production models at the Frankfurt Auto Show in September: the M5, the M3 GTS’s sedan version, a redesigned 1-Series, and the i3 electric city car.
The M5 and the M3 GTS, of course, will cause enthusiasts to salivate at an unhealthy, fluid-draining rate. But while the 1-Series will be redesigned for the first time since its debut in 2004—no insignificant debut at any other show—it’s the i3 electric car that will make the biggest impact at the show.
The i3, as leaked before, is BMW’s mass-produced electric car with a 160-mile range and a passenger cell made from carbon fiber. If anything, it’s BMW’s firing shot into the electric propulsion game, with much of the company’s reputation behind it.

Mazda RX-9 rotary to get Toyota hybrid setup

According to a number of international reports, Mazda is currently developing the next-generation in its rotary-powered sports cars. Called the Mazda RX-9, inside word has it it will be powered by a hybrid rotary engine developed in part by Toyota.

A report from Motor Trend in the US says the electric motor section of the hybrid setup could be borrowed from Toyota, thanks to an agreement signed by manufacturers last year. Even though it will be a hybrid, the RX-9 will be powered predominately by a proper petrol-powered rotary unit.
Reports say the electric element will simply offer an extended range on the rotary engine and offer power boosts much like the KERS setup on Formula One cars. It’s expected batteries for the electric motor will be recharged during deceleration and provide extra power, on top of the rotary engine, when the driver desires maximum acceleration.
Don’t get too excited just yet though, Mazda insiders have apparently said the Mazda RX-9 project has been put on hold a number of times. Insiders say Mazda is more concerned with the next-generation MX-5 and is concentrating on Mazda SkyActiv technology. Mazda is hoping SkyActiv technology will help bolster the company’s target of reducing its showroom vehicle emissions by 30 percent. A company insider told Motor Trend recently,
“We want to take the RX-9 to the next level but just can’t find the man-hours to do it. We have a guideline. We know what we have to do. But as we must give priority to the next-gen MX-5, we only have a small band of guys working on the RX-9.”
When it does eventuate though, the RX-9 will be a strict two-door coupe, unlike the RX-8 which uses small reverse-hinge access doors for rear passengers. It’s said the RX-9 will offer proportions much like the old Mazda RX-7 sports cars, being lighter and smaller than the RX-8 (rumour has it the car will be developed on the same platform as the next-generation Mazda MX-5, which gives an indication of its size).
As for styling, no images have been released yet but the RX-9 is likely to take on the design language seen on the Mazda Shinari Concept, offering flowing panel contours, sharp lines and angled creases; overall a stunning piece of automotive art. We certainly hope the new model will take much of its inspiration from the concept.
The Mazda RX-9 release has been hinted towards 2013. We’ll keep you updated though.

Nissan 370Z GT Edition

Amazingly, it’s now been 40 years since Nissan’s original Z car - the 240Z – first arrived on British roads, and to celebrate the anniversary in style, the Japanese firm has revealed a special ‘GT’ edition of its modern muscle car, the 370Z.

Said to be inspired by Nissan exploits on the racetrack, the newcomer certainly won’t be too hard to spot. A pair of pronounced grey racing stripes run along the side sills, and those gorgeous 19-inch RAYS alloys have been given a dark chrome finish to give the Z an extra sense of menace, contrasting nicely with the pearlescent white paint.

On the inside, the GT Edition comes with a touch screen sat-nav as standard, and a full reversing camera has been included for the first time, a handy addition when you consider the 370’s wide rear haunches and miniature back window.

Other extras, like a tyre pressure monitoring system, and a new ‘snow’ setting for the optional seven-speed automatic gearbox, are welcome too, but the most important changes are all hidden beneath the bright bodywork.

Unlike many exclusive special editions, the GT is far more than just a set of cosmetic tweaks. Nissan’s European engineers have been through it with a fine toothcomb, and tried to smooth over some of the standard 370’s rougher edges.

The suspension and dampers have both been fettled to help improve the bone-shaking ride, but Nissan also claims that the modifications should also help keep the Z planted through faster corners. So have the changes had the desired effect?

We managed to test the GT Edition on the road and at the track, but it’s on public roads, particularly the motorway, that the differences start to become apparent. While the ride is still firm, it jolts and fidgets far less than before, and is much more forgiving over broken surfaces.

Combined with added underfloor insulation that helps reduce the booming rumble of the tyres, the 370Z starts to seem more like a relaxed cruiser than a hard-edged track special, but make no mistake; it’s still a properly uncompromising sports car.

Power delivery from the 3.7-litre V6 is brutal, and the heavy clutch and meaty steering turn driving on demanding roads into something of a work out. It’s also not as tail-happy as you might expect, as the huge levels of grip from the rear tyres mean that it has to be seriously provoked before the tail begins to slide.

Even so, the GT Edition tackles faster turns with greater assurance than ever. There’s noticeably less kick back from the steering during mid-corner bumps, and the added composure gives you the confidence to use the 324bhp on tap.

Sadly though, the updates can’t tackle the 370’s biggest problem – its drivetrain. It’s hard to argue with the performance it offers, but it just doesn’t feel special enough for a £35,000 car. Even at higher revs the exhaust note is coarse and characterless, and despite the unique styling, this lack of personality means that it’s a difficult car to fall for.

Some buyers will be able to look past these flaws, but ultimately two-seater coupés, with all their sacrifices to practicality, have to appeal to both heart and head, and although the GT Edition is the best 370Z yet, it still falls short of greatness.

Read more:

Mazda3 Cumulative Production Reaches 3 Million Units

This milestone was achieved in just seven years and ten months since production of the first-generation model commenced. That makes the 3 the fastest-selling Mazda model ever. That partly due to the qualities of a car which mainly includes amazingly fun drive for its price, great level of equipments, and interesting design, and partly because it is a truly global product. It s either produced or sold in over 90 countries around the globe.
The three-millionth Mazda3 was produced at the Hofu Plant. It is a Japanese-specification five-door hatchback with Mazda’s MZR-2.0L engine and i-stop, Mazda’s unique idling stop system.
Mazda3 Cumulative Production Reaches 3 Million Units mazda3 2
Mazda’s senior managing executive officer in charge of R&D, Hirotaka Kanazawa, said, “The Mazda3 embodies all three elements of Mazda’s DNA: Distinctive Design, Exceptional Functionality, and Responsive Handling and Driving Performance. Its sustained global success has seen it grow into Mazda’s mainstay model, and it now comprises a third of all Mazda vehicle sales. Ever since the first-generation Mazda3 appeared on the market, it has evolved to stay relevant despite the major changes in the automobile industry. As well as carrying forward and strengthening Mazda’s brand DNA, it has evolved exceptional environmental and safety performance. As we celebrate reaching three million units, I would like to thank the millions of Mazda3 customers for their support and reaffirm Mazda’s commitment to delivering outstanding environmental and safety performance balanced with driving pleasure that goes beyond your expectations.”

All New 2012 Mazda5 Has Consumers Excited

When it comes to the new Mazda5, the sales professionals at John Hine Temecula Mazda - the leading Mazda dealer in Temecula, CA and surrounding areas - know that this "minivan" from Mazda is special in many ways.
For the development of the all-new 2012 Mazda5, Hideki Matsuoka, Mazda5 program manager, took the best of the current model and set out to make it even better. The team aimed to create a new multi-activity vehicle (MAV) that combines superior environmental performance with a new expression of stylish design. Matsuoka’s concept for the new Mazda5 was to bring to the market a “contemporary smart choice.”
“This concept expresses our goal to build a new family mover for the global market that offers a smart solution to the user’s every need by establishing a balance between diverse functionality and outstanding performance,” said Matsuoka.
Matsuoka and team identified five key values in the development of the 2012 Mazda5:
●    Smart and emotional design
●    Rational, easy-to-use functionality
●    Developed with the utmost quality
●    Refined, dynamic driving performance without compromising environmental performance.
With a design concept summed up as “Seductive Smartness,” the new Mazda5 design strives to achieve a higher balance of functionality and design. At the same time, it has a stylish new look that is immediately distinguishable from the box-like designs found on conventional offerings in the market. No more bland minivans.
"The Mazda5 is part of a class of vehicle that is tremendously popular in Europe and Japan, where space and utility must be maximized and driving performance is held at a premium," says Matsuoka. "We set out to make sure this vehicle was fun to drive while also being versatile and practical. The attractive looks and good performance in no way compromise packaging and versatility."
Consumers around the country are also very excited about the new Mazda5 for 2011. In fact, the team at John Hine Temecula Mazda - the premiere Mazda dealer in Temecula, California - have seen the increase in demand first hand. The 2011 Mazda5 is one of their more popular models and is selling well. Anyone interested in style, dependability, safety and good gas mileage are encouraged to stop at Temecula Mazda to see the new Mazda5 up close.

Mazda hits 3 million mark for Mazda3

Although the plant was spared damage during the earthquake that rocked northern Japan in March, Mazda has nonetheless dramatically cut back on domestic production. As a result, the 3 millionth Mazda3 happened a few weeks later than Mazda intended – but the automaker is still happy to celebrate.
Mazda also builds Mazda3s at two joint-venture plants in Nanjing, China, and Rayong, Thailand, although the 3 millionth car was officially built in Japan.
The automaker says that the 3 millionth Mazda3 was a Japanese-specification Axela, as it is known in Japan, five-door hatchback with the company’s 2.0-liter MZR four-cylinder engine and i-Stop, the automaker’s start/stop system.

Mercedes B-Class To Get S-Class Tech

Mercedes believes that loading vehicles with as much fancy technology is the best way to lure younger buyers. And that is exactly why they gone all the way to borrow gizmos belonging to the S-Class vehicles and put them into the B-Class models.
Mercedes Benz has already announced that they have quiet a long line of compact vehicles to be launched from the new Mercedes Front Architecture (MFA) platform. Of these, the B-Class will be the first to go on sale, featuring a wide range of technologies that are usually reserved for the more expensive models. This may turn out to be a huge plus in terms of sales, since compact car buyers in recent times expect their cars to feature high end technology, be it in the safety department or in infotainment. This would also encourage compact buyers, since these cars will will no longer be considered as ‘cheaper options’ that get the limelight only because of its brand value.
The list features that could be incorporated into the B-Class include radar-based collision prevention systems, advanced driver assistance programs such as blind spot detection, lane keeping aids, pedestrian detection etc, and in-car Internet access. With this new idea, Mercedes hopes to improve upon its younger customer base. The company has also announced its small-car plans of launching an all-new A-Class and two additional new compacts in the next two years.

First Drive: 2012 Mercedes-Benz C250/C350 Coupe

2012 Toyota Prius V verdict, slow and understatement

Before we get started on the 2012 Toyota Prius V verdict, which is a little on the slow side, we need to inform you that there is no third row. We had assumed that it would have 7 seats like the Alpha prototype in Japan, but there are only five. There is a good reason for this, as it would have took a lot of work to move the battery cells around, something that Toyota did not want to get in to.
Inside Line has had a bit of time with the new Prius V and the test drive threw up a few surprises. The main one was its performance, as it still comes with the same engine as the standard Prius. This does seem strange, as it now has to move an extra 230 pounds around. The result is an expected 10.4 seconds. For those who think that they might be able to squeeze a little more, Inside Line says that it will not happen.
Toyota’s aim with the Prius V, which is to have iPhone and Android integration is to persuade drivers to ditch their crossover SUVs in favor of this slightly larger hybrid vehicle. Now this could very well happen, but we believe that the Japanese automaker should have increased power output to more than the standard version.

The new larger Prius will get you to where you need to go, just as long as you do not have a deadline to meet. Now we are not trying to say that we should all drive fast, but the 2012 Prius V is just plain slow when it comes to even making a simple overtaking maneuver, as you need to plan it well ahead. The new hybrid is estimated to achieve 44mpg in the city, 40mpg on the highway and 42mpg combined. Expect it to go on sale in October 2011.


Here are more spy shots of the upcoming 2012 Ford Focust ST undergoing some testing at the Nürburgring.
This is the first time we see a real prototype on the ring and not a test mule. The prototype is wearing the familiar Kistler RoaDyn wheel force and torque sensors on the wheels.
The Ford Focus ST will get a 2.0 liter turbocharged EcoBoost engine with around 250 PS (184 kW / 246 bhp) and will feature a sport exhaust (perhaps centrally mounted like on this prototype), aluminum wheels and small aero changes to the body.

Read more:

Ferrari Officially Debuts In India

NEW DELHI - May 26, 2011: Starting from today all the Ferrari enthusiasts and clients in India can count on the official presence of Ferrari in the country, 58th market of the Prancing Horse, as the first dealership in the heart of New Delhi opens its doors. The Grand Opening, dedicated to the local and international medias, was hosted by Ferrari CEO Amedeo Felisa, Ferrari Commercial and Marketing Director Enrico Galliera, and Ashish Chordia, Chairman of the Shreyans Group, the Ferrari importer for the country. The Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro drivers, Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa, already in Monte Carlo for the next race, sent their greetings to the guests through a video message, looking forward to coming to India in October for the first Indian GP.
The street facing the New Delhi location was panelled for the occasion with great images of the Ferrari past and present, to tell the story of the passion, the races and the style. The special preview for the medias was held in the over 500 square metres on two levels of the dealership, with the ground floor entirely dedicated to the range, and the personalization area to support the client to uniquely configure their new Ferrari.
During the meeting with the press, Felisa said: “Our objective was to launch the Indian market in 2011 and it 's a pleasure to inaugurate this first dealership here today. We feel that this is the right moment, considering the dynamism of the country and its economy. Here in India you feel great enthusiasm and a strong connection to the Ferrari brand, which, even before officially entering India, had already around 50 clients in the country. Naturally the entire range will be available on this market, imported by the Shreyans Group, the partner we've chosen and who shares with us not just the desire to invest, but also the passion for Ferrari and its values.”
The dealership carries the Ferrari Corporate Identity with elegant, timeless and authentic design. It is also sided by the official Ferrari Service, and their combination will guarantee a top level experience enhanced by the customer best in class service. Tonight an exclusive dinner will be dedicated to the Indian clients and enthusiast to celebrate the event.
The Shreyans Group has played significant role in transforming luxury retail in India, distributing and retailing luxury products. From the inception of the business, the Shreyans management has had the very clear vision to offer the highest quality products and after sales service, providing customers with an unprecedented buying experience.

Citroen DS4 La DS4 diesel à l'essai

Incontestablement différente de la C4, dont elle reprend la base technique, la DS4 est un bel exercice de style et une nouvelle preuve de la créativité de Citroën. Avec cette lignée DS, la marque retrouve petit à petit la place qui était la sienne autrefois. Mais, au-delà de la distinction et du design novateur, l'enjeu est de prendre une bonne part du gâteau sur le lucratif marché des berlines dite premium.

Mélange des genres
En mélangeant les genres automobiles (un peu de SUV, un peu de coupé et beaucoup de berline), la DS4 veut prendre les compactes allemandes à contre-pied, Audi A3 en tête, et s'attirer les regards des amateurs de petit SUV type NIssan Qashqai. L'avenir dira si cette stratégie est payante, mais le résultat est en tout cas flatteur.

Agréable à l'oeil, bien équilibrée et impeccablement présentée à l'intérieur (les plastiques plus mats rehaussent la qualité perçue), la DS4 possède le pouvoir de séduction qui a fait le succès de sa petite soeur, la DS3.

Même constat au volant. Le comportement un peu pantouflard de la C4 laisse place à un jeu de jambes plus agile grâce à une direction plus réactive et des suspensions plus fermes.

Avec le diesel de 163 ch à la fois onctueux dans les bas régimes et vigoureux à la moitié du compte-tours, la conduite procure un réel agrément. Ceux qui aiment « sentir » la voiture vont être ravis, et ceux qui restent attachés au confort ne seront pas déçus.

Pas de boîte auto
On regrette toutefois de ne pas pouvoir disposer d'une boîte automatique qui se serait si bien mariée avec ce généreux diesel. D'une manière générale, la DS4 pèche un peu côté technologie.
Caméra de recul, système d'accès et de démarrage mains libres et affichage tête haute sont indisponibles. Dommage pour une voiture qui incarne la modernité. Mais ne boudons pas notre plaisir car cette finition Sport Chic est riche en équipements et son tarif de 29 800 € est très bien positionné face aux voitures qu'elle entend concurrencer.

Charme assuré
Côté pratique, si le seuil de coffre un peu haut perché et l'accès peu aisé aux places arrière ne sont pas rédhibitoires, les vitres arrière non ouvrantes sont décevantes, d'autant qu'il n'y a pas de buses de ventilation aux places arrière. Mais ce n'est pas cette petite contrariété qui écorne le charme de cette DS4 que l'on choisira avec ce diesel pour ses performances et sa sobriété. Enfin, pour les plus économes, existe aussi le HDi de 112ch proposé à partir de 23 800 €.

La DS4 est si inhabituelle qu'elle s'oppose à des concurrentes qui n'ont rien à voir entre elles : Audi A3 Sportback et Nissan Qashqai. La Citroën se veut la synthèse de la berline premium et du petit SUV. Elle réussit plutôt bien son pari, même si la clientèle familiale restera sur un Qashqaï et que l'Audi rassemblera ceux pour qui la marque compte avant tout. La DS4 va taper dans l'œil de tous les autres, qui aiment distinction et originalité.
Why The 2011 Chevrolet Volt Encourages The Use Of Gasoline

Why The 2011 Chevrolet Volt Encourages The Use Of Gasoline

The 2011 Chevrolet Volt may be an extended-range electric car--or a plug-in hybrid, take your pick--but it's designed to promote the use of gasoline.
Well, older gasoline, anyway.
In the case of owners who have short daily commutes and plug in their cars regularly to recharge at night, the Volt’s 25-to-40-mile range may be all they need each day.
That could lead to cases when the car’s Driver Information Center would actually prompt the driver to give the car permission to start its gasoline engine.
There are two scenarios in which the Volt will ask for permission to start the internal combustion engine.
The first is Engine Maintenance Mode, which is activated when the gas engine hasn’t been off the couch for 6 weeks or so. This mode forces the engine to run even if there is enough charge in the lithium-ion battery pack to power the vehicle.
2011 Chevrolet VoltThe message to the driver reads “Due to low use, your engine needs to run for approximately 10 minutes to perform engine maintenance.”
The driver then responds "YES" on the Information Center, and the engine starts.
Should it not complete its 10-minute cycle, it will start itself again on the next trip. While it's in Maintenance Mode, a status bar on the dash display indicates the percentage of maintenance that has been completed.
The idea here: use it, don't lose it. There's a saying that there’s only one thing worse than too many hours on a car’s engine, and that's too few hours. Every car needs to get its moving parts moving and its fluids warmed up, so that such long periods of idle time don’t start to affect the car’s integrity.
The second scenario is called Fuel Maintenance Mode. Have you ever replaced the gas in your lawn mower in the springtime, for fear that it might be stale?
The same concern exists over the fuel in the Volt. Fuel Maintenance Mode tracks the average age of the gasoline, and prompts the driver when it reaches one year.
The message on the Information Center reads, “Your fuel usage has been so low that the fuel is becoming stale.” It also advises the driver to add fresh fuel at a half of a tank or less. The Volt 's fuel capacity is 9.3 gallons.  
If the driver procrastinates about the trip to the gas station, or is truly obsessive about not using gasoline, this mode too will fire up the gasoline engine directly. The owner’s manual cautions that when the Fuel Maintenance Mode is in control, the system will empty the tank completely if new fuel is not added.
So, in some cases, the plug-in Chevy Volt actually insists upon burning gasoline--even if owners don't want it to.

BMW's 135i is a tempting beast

I hate indecision. I like mine to be a simple world of black and white. Be it the world of politics or automobiles, I despise the confusion that comes with ambivalence. Life burdens us with hundreds of decisions every single day; vacillation just makes the day that much longer.
Which made my recent waffling over my favourite car a few months ago mildly disturbing. Having tried to decide upon my current favourite car - or at least my current favourite car that I might afford - I tested the contenders, and, after much deliberation, found myself unable to decide between Mini's Cooper S and the BMW 135i. So in a completely atypical decisison, I simply declared the whole process a tie. For anyone looking for a definitive winner (other than BMW, of course, since both cars are built by the Bavarian firm) from a usually decisive voice, it must have been a disappointment.
BMW has, however, ended my suffering. It did so by simply offering up an M version of its top-of-the-line 135, the awkwardly named 1-Series M Coupe. For a few enthusiast magazines from England, there's disappointment that the M Coupe's upgraded engine, rather than being a bespoke fettled item from the M department, is simply a semi-garden-variety twin-turbocharged 3.0-litre liberated from the Z4 iS. Despite an upgrade from single-turbo'ed 300hp to twice-turbocharged 335hp, the end result is seen - at least to some - as somehow lacking.
What a load of rubbish! When did 335hp in a 1,525 kg package become anything less than exquisitely sporty? Have we lost all sense of reality? To put it into perspective, the 1 Series M Coupe (and, yes, that does seem an awkward moniker compared to simply calling the little beast an M1, but there has already been an M1 and that was a mid-engined financial disaster built in conjunction with Lamborghini between 1978 and 1981) tops out at "only" 250kph because BMW has limited it so. It also scoots to 100 kph in less than five seconds. By any measure, that's more than enough oomph.

It certainly has enough to get me seriously - as in way, way too - sideways at Monticello Motor Club's decreasing radius Turn 9; my optimistic decision to turn the DCS traction control system completely off suddenly seeming very foolish.
Indeed, the M Coupe's power delivery is deceiving. Unlike the M Division's traditional, naturally aspirated engines that need much sound and fury before they start producing tire-shredding horsepower, the M Coupe's twin-turbo 3.0L starts acting wild as low as 3,000 rpm. By then there's 500Nm available, and while those 500 torques may be available only for short-term overboost, it's more than long enough to get the car completely sideways. As to the assertion - again, credit some of those "enthusiast" books - that plumbing turbochargers into the exhaust system reduces the glorious engine note common to the M Division's cars, I beg to differ. Yes, the 1 Series M Coupe's howl is muted compared with the glorious sound of one of the early M3's screaming sixes, but I'll take even this somewhat muffled version of BMW's iconic inline six over the decidedly less-attractive note of the M5's V10, even if it is allowed full bellow.

The M Coupe further reminds me of earlier M3s (remember that the current M3 is powered by a V8 rather than the aforementioned inline six) by being available in six-speed manual format only. Not automatic transmission. Not dual-clutch, self-shifting SMG thingie. Slick-shifting with pleasantly short throws and a relatively light clutch, this latest M product is a throwback to the era of the classic "driver's" car.
The same applies to the chassis, which, unlike some M products, is wonderfully devoid of electronic adjustability. You can alter throttle response at the touch of the button and enable a more "liberal" interpretation of traction control, allowing some sliding (and, of course, switch it off as I foolishly did), but the suspension damping remains unaltered. But thanks to M3 suspension (including the M3's five-link rear suspension and M Variable Differential) and steering underpinnings, adjustability is simply not required. Indeed, thanks to the 1-Series' shorter wheelbase, the M Coupe may actually be more agile than the pricier M3. Those flogging (or, in my case, abusing) the car on a racetrack will find the suspension a little softer than other full-blown M cars, but in even the most spirited driving on the street the 1-Series M remains taut and precise.


BMW's i8 hybrid supercoupe (that's essentially the production version of the svelte Vision Efficient Dynamics concept that was unveiled at Frankfurt back in 2009) has already been mooted as a possible basis for the conceptual return of the M1, and now there are more web whispers that BMW is seriously considering an M-car supercar.
"The strategy has just begun and where it is at is a few sketches by the design department and ideas conjured around a conference table. We have no production plans yet," says BMW insider 'Scott27' of the German Car Forums.

"The sketch was developed entirely for a different purpose. But the idea did catch attention and since BMW did not focus on the design angle for the Connected Drive concept car they were taken aback when reaction to the car was very well received," says the mystery insider. "But since the sketch caught senior attention they have added a roof and a higher windscreen to judge reaction and you could see the return of the concept this time as a coupe. But it could form the car/s in question because of its bloodline to the original and hommage of the M1." It all sounds quite exciting to us and, if it looks anything like the M1 Hommage concept from 2008 (pictured, top), it should be frankly drop-dead gorgeous. If it happens, we won't see any tangible fruit of the project until 2015 - and of course it may not even get the green light - but there are certainly some metaphorical mouths watering here at PH Towers.

Vorsteiner Bodykit For BMW 5 Series 2011

Inspired by the M aerodynamic kit, Vorsteiner’s aero package comes with a hefty carbon fiber front spoiler that gives the car a low-slung look at front. That is complemented by new side skirts, which lead us to the rear, where you find a neat carbon fiber diffuser with two rectangular tailpipes at each side creating a magnificent visual effect.
A roof and a tail spoiler, again in carbon fiber, complete the package. As for the wheels, although you have endless choices here, but VMS’ 10-spoke white wheels seem to suit the car very well.
The finished product will be unveiled in a couple of months.
Vorsteiner Bodykit For BMW 5 Series 2011 Vorsteiner Bodykit For BMW 5 Series 2011 21

Audi RS 5: Out and out driver's car

Making good, strong, reliable and plush cars is a good idea, but converting them into hardcore performance machines is an even better one!

That is exactly what German camaker Audi's in-house performance tuning firm quattro GmbH does for its owners, to create some of the most versatile and prolific sportscars around - and at the top of the heap is the Audi RS 5, which has found its way to Indian streets.

Mercedes E-Class cabrio car for all seasons

Recent years have seen the rise in popularity of the diesel convertible. Drop-tops are all about refinement and poise, and old-tech, clattery diesel motors lacked both attributes in spades, which is why manufacturers backed away from offering such a combination.
Now, though, the situation is a lot different. Smooth, quiet, low-vibration motors are the norm. As such, it’s much easier to be decadent and frugal at the same time.

Jaguar XF - Single Package, Manifold Delights

Anamit Sen had a Jaguar XF for a whole day and was rather impressed after putting it through it's paces.It's been a few years since I drove a Jaguar. Ten years ago in fact, when I had a ball with one of Jaguar's legendary cars to celebrate it's 40th anniversary all thanks to vintage and classic car aficionado Dr Ravi Prakash and his Series 1 E-Type roadster

5 perfect cars for the apocalypse

On this, the day that some believe will mark the apocalypse, there may only be a few hours left to own the car of your dreams. We recommend you buy on credit, not cash.
But what to get? If you're going to go out in style, you want the perfect doomsday drive. Here's our top 5:

Ferrari Reveals One-Off Superamerica 45 Headed For Villa d’Este Concours Debut

Ferrari has revealed the Superamerica 45, a one-off version of the Ferrari 599, which is all set to make its first public appearance at the upcoming Villa d’Este Concours in Italy.
Exclusively built for Peter Kalikow, New York collector and the president of a real estate firm, the Superamerica 45 has been so named to celebrate the 45th anniversary of Kalikow’s first Ferrari car- a

America the Beautiful - the 2011 Dodge Challenger SRT8 392

History repeats itself. In 1969 the Ford Mustang and Chevrolet Camaro ruled local drag strips. So in 1970 Dodge introduced its own muscle cars, the Challenger and Barracuda. The Mopar muscle cars boasted Hemi V8’s, lived short lives and went down in history as valuable legends – thanks mostly to the gas crisis, which cut the Challenger’s fabled life short in 1974.